Ageless Auctions
Date(s) 9/6/2024 - 9/15/2024
SUNDAY ---> Septembet 15th at 6:00 PM (Eastern) the lots will begin to close by Sale Order. You may pre-bid at any time beforehand, once it is time for the live auction, any bids within the last 2 minutes will extend the lot closing by 2 minutes.
You can place a maximum bid to automatically bid up to the specific amount entered as needed (this works great if you are not able to attend the live closing portion of the auction).
PLEASE NOTE - Pick up Days/Times for this auction - MONDAY September 16th...3:00pm to 8:00pm TUESDAY September 17th...10:00am to 7:00pm WEDNESDAY September 18th...10:00am - 7:00pm.......... Lots available for Shipping will show "Shipping Available" and/or a blue shipping truck (These will be shipped in-house).......... Pick up Location ---> 8259 Blaikie Ct Sarasota, Florida 34240