A photo album including various antique photographs including:
Eugenie Christine Marie Therese Pichon
Eleanor Hamilton
Nadine Oxnard
Adeline Oxnard
Marie Herzig
Thelma and(?) Pichon
Arthur Lawerence
Margaret Mimott
Josephine Mimott
Jimmy Oxnard
Mary Mimott
Adaline Oxnard
Thornton Oxnard
Frank Corbet
Isabelle Eugenie McCrystal
Caroline Oxnard
Henry Oxnard
Marie Oxnard
James Oxnard
Horses: Amard, El Guacho, Fayette, Sir Wilfred, King James, Gray Squirrel, Colonel, Cigarette, Regina, Smirr, Masthead, Spanish Match, Fine Art, Belle of Oakley, Lady Mim, Maria Stuart, Marcianesi, Loloranna(?), Nolamlga, Proud Duchess, Ultimate, Jamboy, Prince of Melbourne.
Marago Valley, Surveyors, feao builders, guards Dudleys headquarters
W.B. Kibbey Jr.
Benny Oxnard
Alice McCauley
R. Carroll Kibbey