Auction begins to close Thursday, January 16 , 2025, at 6:00
P.M. with a soft close
The Ulmer’s have decided it’s time to retire from farming and they want to sell the tractors
and farm equipment that they’re no longer using. Their machinery has not been stored indoors,
but it has been taken care of with regular maintenance and upkeep.
Auction opens Tuesday, December 31, 2024, and Closes Thursday, January 16 , 2025, at 6:00
P.M. with a soft close
Directions: from Burke, SD, on SD Hwy 18, East 6 miles to 349 th Ave., South 9 miles, at 303 St.,
West 1 mile, at Ranch Drive, North .5 mile or
From Herrick, SD on SD Hwy 18, West .05 mile to 349 th Ave., South 9 miles, at 303 St., West 1
mile, at Ranch Drive, North .5 mile.
To schedule an appointment to view the property, call Doug Ulmer @ 605-830-1035 or Dan
Clark (605) 842-6075.
Pickup Dates: Friday & Saturday, January 17th & 18th , 2025 – 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
It is highly encouraged that all Bidders do a pre-auction inspection before placing any bids.
Owners: Doug & Gail Ulmer – 30250 Ranch Dr., Herrick, SD 57538
Doug’s Cell (605) 830-1035