Margarett Travaille Benefit Auction
Margarett Travaille Benefit Auction
Klaassen Realty & Auctions | Sibley, IA 51249
Date(s) :  11/26/2024 - 12/2/2024
Buyer Premium :  NO premium/convenience fee charged

No internet bidding
Silent auction December 2, 2024. NO internet bidding.
Margarett Travaille, 2 1/2 year old daughter of Chad and Megan Travaille has been diagnosed with hepatoblastoma liver cancer. It is Stage 4 and has spread to her lungs. She is undergoing treatment and she and her family are fighting hard. A meal and silent auction is planned for December 2, 2024 in Sibley, Iowa from 5:30 to 7 PM to assist the family in major expenses of treatment. Please join us if you are able at this event.