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Sold as is. Manshed Auctions does not make any warranty or guarantee to the authenticity of this item. There is often a lot of conjecture over certain items. Many items have long and diverse histories, have had repairs, alterations, differ from the "normal" and have not been seen before. Some items are re-strikes from the original foundry, sold from the official rail stores to the general public, never been issued, had a tough OR sheltered life, and many other variances. Some items are outright fakes, reproductions. Even knowledgeable collectors and sometimes the museums are split over items. At Manshed Auctions, we endeavour to take the most accurate photos possible and invite your thorough review prior to bidding. We often can help with more photos or other information. In instances where obvious fakes / reproductions are brought in, we usually reject at the door. We have lost MANY vendors with this stance. The stories in this area would fill a book, even just over the last year or so. The deliberate passing of fakes as originals is NOT our business model, nor fits with our ethics. Where an item is clearly a reproduction or fake, we describe it as such. In instances where our skill set on a particular item is not that of the museums or knowledgeable collectors, we place items for auction in good faith. We allow the photos, to which we place much effort, to be more descriptive than the written text. In summary, we seek to do our best and hope our position is clear. Thank you.
T3 2FL