This auction will run from 01-11-2025 to 01-25-2025. The first lot will end at 5pm on 01-25-2025. The willing bidders will be given the address. Pick up for this auction will be Thursday 01-30-2025 from 9 am to 1 pm and Friday 01-31-2025. This will be the only days for pick up.
This is a deceased estate. This is part 1 of 3 auctions. The name has been withheld upon request. This auction will run from 01-11-2025 to 01-25-2025. The first lot will end at 5pm on 01-25-2025. The willing bidders will be given the address. Pick up for this auction will be Thursday 01-30-2025 from 9 am to 1 pm and Friday 01-31-2025. This will be the only days for pick up.
Pleasse bring your own boxes, packing material, hand cart, and helpA. We will not be able to help you load.
Up for auction will be but not limited to the following: Ashton Drake Dolls, Valerie Parr Hill items, Hallmark ornorments, CD's DVD's, Millenium decor, TY's, Samsonite suitcase. salk and pepper shakers, Danbury Mint items, Jim Shore items, Hawthorne Village tiems, Thomas Kinkade items, several different size and colors Christmas Tress,Pier One item, jewelry box.ceiling fan. Charlie Brown items by Danbury Mint, Willow Tree items, vintage clothess by Liz Claiborne, Anne Loft, Maggy London, Saint Johns bay, Crazy Horse, and many others, Lane dresser, Iron beds, night tables, Dept. 56, Cloisonne eggs, holiday items, throws, Oreck vacumm, Cracker Barrel, Northern Lights sheets, Hookless shower curtains, 1996 Olympics items,rugs,much more. Most of the items listed are new unless stated, We had to open all of the dolls and other items to get a picture,
Please bring your own boxes, packing material, hand card and help to load your items. We will not be able to help you to load.
If you need your items shipped, you will need to email us at somewhereintimeauctionhous@gmail.com. No item will be shipped out with out a confirmation email that states your shipping request.
You can contact us by calling 252-458-4579. Our email address is somewhereintimeauctionhouse@gmail.com. Our web site address is somewhereintime.hibid.com.
Happy Bidding
Somewhere In Time Auction House