Water Tanks Livestock Equipment Auctions in OREGON - Live and Online Sales
Water Tanks Livestock Equipment Auctions in OREGON
Buyer's Market Inc. dba GCAS
Date(s) 1/4/2025 - 1/21/2025
Easterly Shop, Farm, & Household Moving Estate Auction Online Auction Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025, Closing Starts at 6:00 PM
Most items have multiple photos and a full description, to view, double-click on the lot title or photo. To see more detail in photos click on the picture to enlarge it. Bidding is Times the Money on Lots, with a Yellow Box on the top left-hand side of the lot showing "X" times the Quantity being sold.
This is the last auction at this location until further notice. Our auctions utilize staggered and soft-close features. With “staggered close” lots do not close simultaneously; one lot will close every 8 seconds. You can follow the clock to know the exact scheduled closing time of any particular lot. “soft close” is when a bid is submitted and confirmed during the last 180 seconds before a lot is ... Show More
Wilbur Auction
Date(s) 1/8/2025 - 1/23/2025
Internet Only Start 01/08/2024 at 6:00pm PST and end 01/23/2024 at 6pm PST.
This is an online auction only. One item will end every 40 seconds. If a bid is made within the last 3 minutes, it will add 3 more minutes to the bid time. Happy Bidding!
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