Live Webcast Auction
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High Bid: 0.00 USD
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12/20/2024 - 1/18/2025
Bidding Notice:

Prebidding for the auction will run December 20 through January 18, 2025. Auction will be held on January 18, 2025 with the first lot closing at 11:00 AM EST.

Lot # 5044
Estimate 100.00 - 200.00 USD
Group - Category Art - Prints / Lithographs
Lead Indenture Paperwork, 15th-16th Century
Indentured, servitude paperwork from the 15th/16th century. This document showcases the legal agreements entered for two individuals such as children or adults and their new master. The documents were used to create a contracted agreement of working conditions for the one signed under their new master to work for an allotted period that could vary in length, often lasting between 4 and 7 years. A translation of the document is attached. Measures 20.5in x 25in Translation Below: This Indenture made the Ffirste Daye of Jann[uary] in the [thirtieth?] yeare of the Reigne of our sovereign Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god of England ffrance and Scotland [?] defender of the faithe [etc.?] Between Margaret [Snell?] of Royston in the countye of Hertf wydowe [latewise?] of John Snell Christofor Snell second sonne of the said John Snell And Peter Linge of Bassingborne in the county of said john and John Snell [in the farme land?] heire of the said John [on the one pte?] of Bassingborne in the countie of Cambridge [gentleman?] of the other parte Witnesseth that the said Margaret Christofer Edmond Abraham and John Snell for and in consideracon of the summe of foure hundred [symbol unclear] pounds of good and lawfull moneye of England to them the said Peter well and [truly?] contented satysfred and payed wherof and wherwith they [acknowledge?] themselves fullie satisfied and payed And thereof [evry pte?] and pcell thereof doe Alerckei spyte [declar? Acquit?] and discharge the said Peter his heires and Executors by these presente. As also for [dyuers] other good cawses and [considerations] [thon espervalles; morninge Ende?] bargaind sould & graunted and by thes presentes doe [bargain, sell?] and grant unto the said Peter Linge his heires and assignes All [singular?] 1 the [freehold?] landes tenements and hereditaments of the said Margaret Christofer Edmond Abrahame and John And all and singuler the freehold landes tenements and heredimente of any or [anye?] of them scytuate lyainge [lying] or beinge within the pyshes [parishes] townes and [seildes?] of Roystone weste Reede Therfeild and Barlewaye in the said countye of Hertf Except one messuage [caclede the pull?] and all the howses barnes stables Shope yardes [buclsides?] and romes [rooms?] usallie occupied with the same messuage And now in the terme and occupation of the said margaret and Anthonye Denton or his or there assigne or assignes in Royston and one close the[reu]nto adioyinge with thapprtenances situate in Royston aforesaid And [also?] the said Margaret Christofer Edmond Abrahame and John doe bargaine sell and graunt for the consideracion aforesaid to the said Peter Linge and his heirs all and singular the foresaid landes tenemente heredemente of them or any of [them] situate lyeinge and beinge in Bassingborne knesworth molborne Melborne Lytlington and whaddon in the countye of Cambridge And all other ther landes 2 tenemente and hereditamente [inserted words illegible] of the said John Snell the father Together also with all deedes Charters [two words illegible] mynumente and wrightinges onelye belonginge or [pertaining?] to the said premisses [Gronelye?] to anye parte therof before bargained and sould or me[a]nt or intended to be bargained and sould by thes presentes wch said deedes charters [2 words illegibile] wrightinges or suche or soe manye of them as now be or remayne in the handes costodye or possession of the said Margaret John Christofor Edmond and Abraham or anye of them or in landes in custodye or possession of anye other to ther use wch they may come by without sute of Lawe They the said Margaret John Christofor Edmond and Abraham for themselves there heires Executors and Admynistraters doe [seuerallie?] covenat promyse and graunt [by those present?] to and with the said Peter Linge his heires Executors and administrators to [Tender?] [note?] and de[__?] befor the ffeaste of E[a]ster next [cominge?] unto the said Peter Linge his heires Executors or assignes to his and ther owen [own] [proper use?] and before. At or [several words illegible] of the said Peter Linge his heires or assignes Together with towe [two?] copies of all other dedes wch in anyewise doe concerne the premisses or anye parte therof To have and to hold the said lands tenements 3 and heredytamentes and all & singuler other the premisses with Thappteunces [the appurtenances] to the said Peter Linge his heires and assignes to the [passage of illegible writing] . . . and of the said Peter Linge his heires and assignes forever And the said Margaret John Christofer Edmond and Abrahame for themselves and anye of them their heirs & Executors and Administrators and for [theyre?] Executors and admidstrators of [anye?] of them doe covenant promyse and graunt to and with the said Peter Linge his heirs executors and admynistrutors. That they or some of them [are payed eyther?] in fee simple or fee tayle [tail] of and in the said landes tenemente and heredimente all [several words illegible] . . . thapprtennces before burgained and sould And also that the said landes tenemente and heredimente and everye pte & prcell thereof be and [several words illegible] and be from tyme to tyme to [them?] fullie, and clerelie acquyted dyscharged or [found harmeles?] of and from all former burgaines sales [guystes?] grauntes [recharges, executions?] and [words illegible] . . . knowledged or suffered by them the said Margaret Snell John Snell Chrystofor Snell Edmond Snell & Abraham Snell Oy by anie of them or by the said John Snell 4 And also to that the said Peter his heires and assigns & all or [bunch of illegible words] . . . all and singular the said lands tenement & heredimente and all other premise with thappuertenances before bargained sould and granted or ment or intended to be bargained sould or granted againste them the said margaret Christofer Edmond Abraham and John and their heires, and all persone and persons clayminge anye [esfacte?] right tytle or interest of in and to the said landes tenement and heredytamnts of in and to anye parte or parcell therof by from or under them or anye of them Or by from or under the said John [two words illegible] And at [ye?] agreed betwixt the said plaintiffes That the said Peter Linge shall or may prsewe [pursue?] two wrytte of Engree [Entry?] [5 words illegible] the said Margaret Christofer and Edmond [thoue?] to be dyrected to the shreife [sheriff] in the said shere [shire] of Hertf and the other to the Shreife of Cambridge. And therby shall demand all and singular the said messuage landes tenemente and heredytemente scytuate lyeinge & beinge in Roystone weste Rede Therfeild and Barkwaye in the said countye of Hertf by the [illegible] of one messuage two barnes one gardyne two acres pasture thirtie acres land with thapprtenances in Roystone weste Rede Therfeild [Barkway?]. And the [illegible] landes tenementes and heredytamnt scytuate lyeinge and beinge in Bassingborne 5 knesworth melborne melreth Wheddon and Lytlington in the said Countie of Cambrirdge by the [illegible] of three acres of pasture and fower [four] scoore aces land with thapptenances in Bassingborne knesworth melborne melreth whadden and Lylington to which [3 words illegible] the said Margaret Christofer and Edmond shall appeare and after declaracion therof made shall vounche [vouche?] to warrantye the said Abraham and John and they in [2 words illegible] shall appere and shull lykewise vowche to warrantye the comon vowchee whereppon a [perfect Recoueryes?] shall or may be had of all & singuler the [6 words illegible] hade in forme aforesaid shall be to the uses intente & purposeis hereafter [setforth?] and declared to mete [meet?] of the said messuage two barnes one gardyne and two acres of pasture lyinge and beinge in [Royston] aforesaid to the use of the said Margaret Snell for terme of her leife the Remaunder to the said Christofor and his heires forever. And of all and singular [illegible word] Residue of the said landes tenemente and heredimente as well in the countye of Hertf as in the countye of Cambridge to the [use?] of the said Peter Linge and of heirs and assignes forever And further the said Margaret John Christofer Edmond 6 and Abrahame for themselves and anye of them their heirs Executors and administrators and anye of them doe covenant promyse and graunt to and with the said Peter Linge his heires executors Administrators and assignes that they and anye of them and anye of their heires and all and singular [illegible words] . . . or demand of or in or to the said landes or tenement [next line illegible] Abraham [illegible words] . . . of all and singular the premises with the appuertenances [illegible words] to the use of the land & after and hereafter and from tyme to tyme duringe the pace of three yeres next ensoinge after the date of the presentes uppon reasonable request, And at the costes and [recharges in?] the [Land?] of the said Peter Linge his heires and assignes make doe suffer and knowledge to be made done and suffered all and singular [four and fourteen?] [several illegible words] and thinges devise and devises whatsoeuer Be it by [Iue ffeoffement?] dede or dedes [inrowled Thinroulement?] of thes prsent Release with [series of illegible words] them and their heires or [illegible] Or by all or anye of thes waies or meanes Or by anie other waie or Conveyance whatsoeuer As shall be devised or [hadvid?] by the said Peter his heires 7 And assigns or by god or other counsell learned in the Lawe And yt ys [it is] agreed that all and singuler the assuerance and assuerances whatsoever of the said premisses lymyted [limited] to the use of the said Peter Snell [be to?] [series of illegible words] of the said Peter his heires and assignes forever And the said Margaret Christofor Abraham & John for them and anye of them for the [rest of the sentence illegible] and grant that [illegible] John Snell [series of illegible words] Bassingborne [series of illegible words] according to the [rest of the sentence illegible] surrender that the said John Snell before the . . . . . . graunt to &with the said Peler Linge, That the said Peter Linge shall at anie . . . Linge his heires and assignes forever And that the foresaid [illegible words] Discharged [illegible] and from all former [illegible] made done or suffered by the said John Snell the [father of? Margaret Christofor Edmonde Abraham And John by [illegible] ferfitures charges tytles and Incumbrances hade Witness whereof the [phies?] above [named?] to the present Indenture [words illegible] satts [sets] the handes and [sanle?] the diye and yere [fuste?] above written
Name Worldwide Relics - Historic World Relics, Artifacts & Epheme
Type Live Webcast Auction
Date(s) 12/20/2024 - 1/18/2025
Auction Date/Time Info
Event Details: This auction will be held online simultaneously across multiple platforms. Date: Saturday, January 18, 2025 Time: 11:00 AM EST Location: Blue Box Auction Gallery Online Only
Preview Date/Time January 15-17 from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm ***Appointments are strongly encouraged for the best experience. We will happily pull the lots you'd like to see and have one of our staff available to answer your questions. An in-person inspection is available for all auctions. Blue Box Auction Gallery strongly suggests that bidders personally inspect items prior to bidding. We make considerable efforts to accurately represent all items. Descriptions are based on visual inspection under typical office lighting and do not include UV light examination unless otherwise noted. These descriptions are provided as opinions by our staff and are not necessarily definitive assessments. Therefore, we do not guarantee the content of written or verbal descriptions and/or condition reports. Please contact us for a more thorough examination or to schedule an in-person inspection. Remember, all lots are sold "AS IS," and all sales are final, as further outlined in our auction terms and conditions. The absence of a condition report does not imply the absence of condition issues.
Checkout Date/Time LOCAL PICK-UP TIMES: Local Pick-Up is available at Blue Box Auction Gallery on January 20 - 22 from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. Items not picked up during this timeframe will be shipped to the winning bidder. WORLDWIDE SHIPPING: Worldwide Shipping is available. Shipping will be invoiced separately. Email us at to coordinate shipping arrangements. All sales follow auction terms and conditions.
Buyer Premium 24% BP
What if you could hold a piece of the Titanic in your hands? Or dine at a table inlaid with fragments of dinosaurs and meteors that journeyed through time and space? Imagine owning artifacts that carry the weight of revolutions, global diplomacy, or even the dawn of a nation. This is not just an auction—it’s an invitation to rewrite history by becoming part of it. Take, for example, the two porcelain bowls recovered from the RMS Titanic. These humble yet extraordinary artifacts once served third-class passengers aboard the world’s most iconic ship. Their faded logos and timeworn surfaces, etched by the ocean’s depths, whisper tales of hope, tragedy, and resilience. Accompanied by a wealth of documentation, they represent not just objects but profound connections to the lives and legacies lost on that fateful voyage. Then, there’s the dining table like no other—a handcrafted masterpiece inlaid with agatized dinosaur bone, fragments of meteors that once streaked through the heavens, and the finest old-growth redwood. This is not just furniture; it’s a statement of wonder and awe. Imagine sitting at a table that bridges the cosmic and the terrestrial, bringing millions of years of history into your home as a centerpiece for unforgettable conversations. Among the collection is a signed second edition of Mao Zedong’s "Little Red Book." This artifact encapsulates the ideological force that reshaped nations during the 20th century. Mao’s distinctive calligraphic signature transforms this copy into more than a book—it’s a symbol of a revolution that reverberated across continents, inspiring movements and changing the course of history. Another remarkable piece is the Chinese Delegation Signature Document from 1954. Signed by Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, and other key figures, it marks a pivotal moment in Cold War diplomacy. Each signature tells a story of power, strategy, and a nation’s rise to global influence. Owning this document is akin to holding the keys to an era that defined modern geopolitics. For art enthusiasts, a minimalist watercolor sketch of Kim Il Sung offers an extraordinary glimpse into the visual narrative of North Korea’s founding leader. Created during the Korean War, its bold brushstrokes capture both the humanity and mythos of a man whose leadership shaped a nation. This artwork is not merely a portrait but a moment in time, preserved with striking authenticity. The auction also features two intricately engraved Deringer pistols from 1863, relics of a tumultuous era in American history. Their craftsmanship, paired with their historical significance, transforms them into more than weaponry—they are artifacts that evoke the stories of the people who carried them, the conflicts they witnessed, and the legacy they left behind. For those fascinated by the birth of a nation, an original 1775 edition of the Pennsylvania Evening Post stands as a voice from the past. This fragile yet defiant newspaper captures the tensions of a fledgling America, chronicling the strife, proclamations, and patriotism that sparked a revolution. Its pages are yellowed with time, but its words remain as stirring as the day they were printed. Finally, the shark vertebrae cane of Captain Isaac Hull from the War of 1812 offers a rare glimpse into the human stories behind naval triumphs. Surrendered to Hull by the defeated captain of the HMS Guerriere, this cane is a symbol of respect and resilience. With its silver handle and intricate construction, it embodies the craftsmanship and honor of an era when battles were fought with bravery and grace. Each of these items is more than a relic—they are vessels of memory, emotion, and timeless stories waiting for their next caretaker. Whether you’re drawn to the Titanic’s enduring legacy, the artistry of a meteor-inlaid table, or the echoes of revolutions and wars, this collection is your chance to own a piece of the extraordinary. What story will you choose to carry forward?
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BBA additionally reserves the right in its sole and unlimited discretion at any time prior to, during, or even after the close of the auction to exclude any person or individual bid and to award any lot to the highest accepted bid. BBA reserves the right to withdraw any lot at any time before, during, or after the auction without liability. BBA reserves the right to delay, change or extend an auction without liability. 15. On the fall of the hammer or in other customary manner (or expiration of time in an online auction), ownership of the offered lot will pass to the highest bidder acknowledged by the auctioneer, subject to fulfillment by such bidder, of all the conditions set forth herein, and such bidder thereupon, a) assumes full risk and responsibility thereof, but not limited to, insurance, fire, theft, removal and storage or damage from any and all causes, and b) will pay the full Purchase Price thereof or such part as we may require. In addition to other remedies available to us by law, we reserve the right to impose a late charge of 2.5% per month of the total Purchase Price if payment is not made in accordance with the conditions set forth herein. If any applicable conditions herein are not complied with by the purchaser, in addition to other remedies available to us and the consignor by law, including, without limitation, the right to hold the purchaser liable for the total Purchase Price, we at our option may, a) cancel the sale, retaining all payments made by the purchaser, b) resell the property at public auction with or without reserve, and the purchaser will be liable for any deficiency costs including handling charges, the expenses of both sales, our commissions on both sales at our regular rates, reasonable attorney's fees, incidental damages, and all other charges due hereunder, c) reject future bids from the buyer or render such bids subject to payment of a deposit, d) charge interest at 30% per annum from the date payment became due until the date the Purchase Price is received in cleared funds, e) subject to notification of the buyer, exercise a lien over any of the buyer's property which is in the possession of BBA and no earlier than 30 days from the date of such notice, arrange the sale of such property and apply the proceeds to the amount owed to BBA or any of our affiliated companies after the deduction from sale proceeds of our standard commission rates and sale-related expenses, f) commence legal proceedings to recover the Purchase Price, together with interest and the costs of such proceedings, g) set off the outstanding amount remaining unpaid by the buyer against any amounts which BBA, or our affiliated companies, may owe the buyer in any other transactions, or h) take such other action as we deem necessary or appropriate. In the event that such a buyer pays a portion of the Purchase Price for any or all lots purchased, BBA shall apply the payment received to such lot or lots that BBA, in its sole discretion deems appropriate. In the case of default, purchaser shall be liable for legal fees, costs and expenses associated with an attempted collection of payment from purchaser. In addition, a defaulting purchaser will be deemed to have granted us a security interest in, and we may retain as collateral security for such purchaser's obligations to us, any property in our possession, owned by such purchaser. Furthermore, in the event that a purchaser fails to make any payments under these terms and conditions, a 15% charge as liquidated damages will be administered as described in Section 10. We hereby reserve the right to report such non-payment to credit and collection agencies in our sole discretion. 16. BBA, and any consignors, reserve the right to bid on any lot(s). Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all lots are subject to a reserve price that shall be hidden from all bidders. BBA shall act to protect the reserve by bidding in the auction process if needed. BBA may open bidding on any lot below the reserve by placing its own bid. BBA may continue to bid on behalf of itself up to the amount of the reserve, either by placing consecutive bids or by placing bids in response to other bidders. 17. If any dispute occurs between a bidder and BBA that cannot be resolved, then the parties agree to the rules, regulations and procedures of the dispute resolution described herein and agree to the following procedures for resolution of the dispute: If either party alleges that the other party is in default under this agreement, then the dispute or allegation shall be submitted to binding arbitration in the Commonwealth of Virginia. BBA shall select a neutral arbitrator. The arbitration process shall be initiated by either party requesting arbitration which must be served upon the other party by certified mail. Failure to participate in the arbitration is a default. In the event that an arbitration procedure is initiated by request of a bidder, the bidder shall bear the financial burden of fees to be paid to an arbitrator to that maximum amount available by law. Each party shall simply present their case (limited to a maximum of one hour for each party) to the arbitrator. By bidding on any lot, the bidder hereby agrees and acknowledges that it is completely waiving its rights to have the dispute heard in a court of law. The bidder agrees that the arbitrator shall have complete jurisdiction over the dispute and can issue an award to the prevailing party. Arbitration fees shall be paid by the party not prevailing in the dispute or as seen fit by the arbitrator. Any award determined by the arbitrator shall be binding and the prevailing party shall be awarded full reimbursement of its actual paid fees in connection with the dispute. By participating in an BBA auction, bidder specifically agrees to the dispute resolution specified in the foregoing paragraph as bidder's SOLE means to resolve any and all disputes which may arise with BBA. By doing so bidder specifically agrees that bidder will not file a dispute of any kind with an online venue, a credit card, or any other third-parties. Bidder specifically waives the right to initiating a credit card chargeback dispute on any basis of claim and agrees that bidder will pay BBA a minimum of $300 plus hourly charges and costs for any such chargeback dispute opened, due to the severe administrative burden of such disputes and their direct violation of the dispute provisions above. 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There are absolutely no exceptions to this policy. Under extremely limited circumstances, (e.g. gross cataloging error) a purchaser, who did not bid from the floor, may request Auctioneer to evaluate voiding a sale; such request must be made in writing detailing the alleged gross error, and submission of the lot to the Auctioneer must be pre-approved by the Auctioneer; A bidder must notify Blue Box Auction Gallery in writing of such request within three (3) days of the mail bidder's receipt of the lot. Any lot that is to be evaluated must be in our offices within 30 days after Auction, at the bidder's expense. Grading does not qualify for this evaluation process nor do such complaints constitute a basis to challenge the authenticity of a lot. AFTER THAT 30-DAY PERIOD, NO LOTS MAY BE RETURNED FOR ANY REASONS. Lots returned must be housed intact in the original holder or condition. No lots purchased by floor Bidders (including those Bidders acting as agents for others) may be returned, under any circumstances. Late remittance for purchases may be considered just cause to revoke all return privileges. IN THE EVENT THAT YOU REQUEST AND ARE GRANTED BY BBA, A RETURN OR REFUND, YOU AGREE THAT YOU ARE STILL RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING A 15% RESTOCKING FEE BASED ON THE HAMMER PRICE OF EACH ITEM THAT IS RETURNED, LESS APPLICABLE TAXES, PLUS THE ENTIRE BUYER'S PREMIUM FOR EACH ITEM. ACCORDINGLY, THE RESTOCKING FEE, BUYER'S PREMIUM ARE NEVER ELIGIBLE FOR A RETURN OR REFUND. IN THE EVENT THAT YOU REFUSE PAYMENT FOR A WINNING BID YOU WILL BE SUBJECT TO A 15% LIQUIDATED DAMAGES CHARGE OF THE HAMMER PRICE.
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Bid Amount Bid Increment
0.00 - 30.00 2.00 USD
30.01 - 100.00 5.00 USD
100.01 - 200.00 10.00 USD
200.01 - 500.00 25.00 USD
500.01 - 1,000.00 50.00 USD
1,000.01 - 2,500.00 100.00 USD
2,500.01 - 5,000.00 250.00 USD
5,000.01 - 10,000.00 500.00 USD
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Payment Terms
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LOCAL PICK-UP TIMES: Local Pick-Up is available at Blue Box Auction Gallery on January 20 - 22 from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. Items not picked up during this timeframe will be shipped to the winning bidder. WORLDWIDE SHIPPING: Worldwide Shipping is available. Shipping will be invoiced separately. Email us at to coordinate shipping arrangements. All sales follow auction terms and conditions.